Practice Areas

Company & Commercial law

Our services in this area include incorporation of companies, registration of companies with Ghana Investment Promotion Centre, Ghana Revenue Authority, Social Security....
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Construction law

The firm has a growing practice in construction law. Its clients range from developers, financiers and contractors. We have expertise in conducting pre-property acquisition searches....
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Intellectual property law

The firm has a growing practice in the enforcement and protection of intellectual property rights, registration of trade marks, designs, patents, copyright. We possess vast experience....
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Dispute Resolution

The firm provides expert representation for clients in civil/commercial disputes at all levels of the court hierarchy and prepares the requisite pleadings and processes required in the....
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Company Secretarial Practice

We possess enormous experience in company secretarial practice. Our services in this area include preparation and issuance of notice convening board meetings, sub-committee....
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Property law and Conveyance

We offer expert services to real estate investors and developers by way of due diligence and drafting of various instruments of transfer such as lease, assignment. sub-lease, license,....
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Family law

We have expertise in family law practice. This ranges from advisory services, preparation of Wills, applications for probate and letters of administration, resealing of probate,....
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